Origin of its name
T he imposing Almásy Mansion's main building in Gyula has an L shaped small mansion-wing connected to it, currently known as Stephanie-wing. Its renovation was finished in 2019-2020, in the spirit of staying loyal to its age and origin, and is equipped with a delicatessen, a cooking school, and an elegant event library. It was named after the wife of Count Joseph Wenckheim's wife, Stephanie Jankovich, former occupants of the mansion.
Stephanie Jankovich came from a Croatian-Hungarian noble family. In 1838, she became the second wife of Joseph Wenckheim. Besides charity, she founded the Women's Association of Gyula, also being its first "president". With the motto "Helping the people in need, ignoring religious and social differences", she mostly donated anonymously for the sick, and took care of those without money and homes. She was also looking after the military officers arriving in Gyula during 1849. The countess and his husband also hosted Emperor-King Franz Joseph and his wife, Elizabeth on the 25th of May in 1857.
In the time of countess Stephanie and his husband, numerous artists came to visit the mansion. The countess organized a concert for collecting donations to the hospital, where Ferenc Erkel himself made an appearance. In 1861, Elek Szamossy came to the residency, mainly for restoring the portraits of the Wenckheim family. It was here where he met his to-be student, Mihály Munkácsy. Later on, Munkácsy acquired worldwide fame, and said that the time spent in the mansion was a decisive part of his life. After the death of her husband, the countess lived in the mansion until 1878. The buildings's pink-green-purple interior colors supposedly reflect her taste and style. We date the "Almásy-era" of the mansion from her stepdaughter's, Stephanie Marie Wenckheim's marriage with count Kálmán Almásy.

1. Ballroom and event library
The Almásy Mansion Visitor Center's ballroom awaits the guests with state of art equipment, and a peaceful, but also elegant vibe. Can be rented for family occasions, and all kinds of other events. The room can host up to 160 people in case of table-sittings. For organizing conferences and meetings, it allows for 180 people. The environment of the baroque castle, the spectacular park, and the elegant furnishing makes up for a special experience to anyone attending.
We recommend our event library for the following events:
- Conferences,
- Family occasions,
- Weddings,
- Corporate events,
- Balls,
- School reunions,
- Friendly meetings,
- Trainings.
With preliminary arrangements, we can provide hospitality fit for the mood and age of the mansion, let that be local specialties or foods from the period, paired with special cultural programs (baroque music, dance show, unusual gastronomic/history lessons). The waiters/waitresses serving the food are dressed in clothes loyal to the mansion's 19th century period. The price is adjusted based on the programs and the food. Made with a custom bid.
We provide an exclusive, and romantic location for every young couple, who want to say the "I do" in a real mansion. The ballroom has special crystal chandeliers, which can give different lighting on one of the most important nights in life, thanks to 21st century technology. Furthermore, we have two large mirrors, two window blinds (which can be controlled remotely), projection screen, and unique sound technology for background music. The french, herringbone patterned oak tree floor creates a real noble milieue.
What can we offer after the "I do"?
- An exclusive ballrom with special illumination.
- Heating kitchen for preparing the feast.
- Historically accurate clothing for the waiters.
- Dressing room for the newly-weds.
- Babysitting with skilled staff members.
- Photo shooting opportunities in the mansion.
- A chapel where the ceremony can be held.
- Free parking space 300 meters away for 80 cars.

2. Delicatessen
In the delicatessen, you can get to know and buy signature food, and other gastronomical specialties representing the world of taste of Gyula and its surrounding lands (sausage, brandy, beer, honey, syrup). The food presented in the tasting room, and the ones made in the kitchen will be available for trying, but we also serve people here who made reservations prior. The products you tried here can be bought as well. You can take a look on the menu here.
What is a delicatessen?
The word "csemegetár" first appeared in the 19th century in the Hungarian language, as the equivalent to the french word "buffet" and "delicatessen". It was first used in theaters, referring to the food found on the tables set for the audience, which the actors financed for, in hope of "luring in" more people for their performances. It was also used on dance parties, weddings, and other social events, as a word for the room set to serve the guests food. Later the shops specializing for food sales were called "csemegetár" in cities and bigger towns. At the turn of the 19-20th century, it became a common term.
After the industrialization and with trade catching momentum on a larger scale in general, it was up to the owner's "skill" and network of connections that his delicatessen was well equipped with goods capable of astonishing their customers. Besides maintaining the supply of basic food, merchants strived to acquire special products, spices, chocolate and other sweetnesses, so that they can attract their target audience even more, mainly women and children. Before the appearance of shopping malls, these stores served as a pivotal meeting place for the customers, exchanging news, maintaining connection and acquaintance. As opposed to today's food stores, merchants of the delicatessen measured their own goods, served the customers, offered their wares, kept in touch with the butcher, the miller and the other "suppliers", prepared, or even made the ordered food themselves, if needed.
Stores in that period allowed the consumption of food on the spot, but some premade goods were also in the supply. Service was substantially slower compared to today, but it matched rhythm of life back then. Delicatessens gradually disappeared after World War II, their place was taken by food stores, fast food restaurants and shopping malls, with larger supply and faster service. However, delicatessens today are living their renaissance, more and more of them are established based on modern stores, focusing on providing delicacies, thematic and handmade foods.

3. Open kitchen
A special authentical kitchen (furnace, rotating grill, cookstove) shows the the kitchen techniques and procedures of the period, while you can make your own food based on those. The food made together can be eaten with plates and cutlery representing the mood of the period. You can also experience the preparation process for a noble feast, set the table appropriately, and even try some of the specialties the nobles ate in the 17-19th centuries.
Baroque cooking school
You can cook in groups with the help of a master chef or an experimental archaeologist. Prepare appetizers from the aristocratic menu, or delicacies (desserts) from the end of the feast. We recommend our program to individuals (tourists, locals), companies, communities (as a teambuilding training even). Participation fee is calculated uniquely, incorporating the price of the materials, the instructor master chef's fee, and overhead expenses.
Thematic dinners, wine tasting
We offer a tasting menu, all of them made by master chefs, with appropriate wines and special materials, unique taste combinations and artistic display. We expect individual applicants (tourists and local inhabitants), corporate communities and friends.
We offer thematic dinners like
The menu of Antal Schell Joseph's and Johanna Woracziczky's wedding in 1938:
- pea soup (potage aux petits pois),
- Mallard breast with orange (filets de canards sauvages, ou de cercelles á l’ orange),
-Pastry wraps with peach filling (cannelone frita á la marmelade d’abricola).
Wild meat from the kitchen of the Almásy Mansion:
- Pheasant a la prince Rudolph(faisans a la prince royale Rudolf),
- Marinated fried deer ridge with Colbert sauce (selle de chevreuil, sauce Colbert).
Snacks of Gyula in the Stephanie-wing
Want to try a famous "hungarikum", the Gyula sausage, or other snacks made from local goods? You have come to the right place! What we offer:
-Fried sausage with homemade sourness and sourdough loaf.
-Gyula paired sausages and other Gyula snacks from the Gyulahús Kft.
-Homemade Gyula cheese plate.
-Homemade Gyula cakes.
We also serve homemade Gyula syrup, artisan beers, and Gyula brandy with the food. We recommend these custom-compiled snacks to individuals, corporations and communities.
- The duration of the rent is for 1-3 hours.
- The price includes: a unique experience with a climatized hall, two dressing rooms, tables (with its table clothing), baroque chairs, and access to the wardrobe. We also provide catering services and a sound system for an additional fee.
- The duration of the rent is for 1-3 hours.
- Does not include the food and drink fees, they have to be paid for separately.
- Use of the delicatessen is allowed with preliminary reservations and registration. The menu, and the event will only be hosted with sufficient amount of applicants, reservations.
- The price for the snacks are calculated uniquely, including the food and overhead fees. A unique offer is made for every reservation.
- The ballroom's rent duration is for a maximum of 24 hours.
- Includes a unique experience with a climatized hall, two dressing rooms, tables, baroque chairs, wardrobe, and access to the heating kitchen.
- We can also provide table clothing and a sound system for an additional fee.
Visuals made by Konkrét Studio.